Auf in die Berge! (Up into the mountains!)

18.08. until 22.09.2021
Kunstbezirk Stuttgart

Giain in muntogna!
A stay at the Engadine artists’ residence Fundaziun Nairs (Scuol/CH) inspired the GEDOK artists Monika Drach, Kathleen Jahn and Barbara Karsch-Chaïeb to undertake an artistic ascent of the mountain. They invited other artists they had met in the Rhaeto-Romanic-speaking Engiadina Bassa – the Lower Engadine: Caroline Clerc (Los Angeles /USA), Hollie Miller (London /GB), Regula Verdet-Fierz (Guarda /CH), Gianna Vital-Janett and the group tun e resun (Ardez /CH).
With voice improvisation and performance, photography, video installation and experimental works with drawing/painting, the artists explore themes such as nature and resonance, becoming and passing away, and sound out healing, poetic and magical aspects of the mountain landscape. Artists from all over the world live and work at the Fundaziun Nairs in the Lower Engadine all year round. Many return to this place again and again. From here, an ever-growing global network of artists develops.

With Monika Drach, Gianna Vital-Janett/Gruppe tun e resun, Kathleen Jahn, Hollie Miller (US), Caroline Clerc (UK), Barbara Karsch-Chaïeb, Regula Verdet-Fierz (CH)
Kunstbezirk Galerie im Gustav-Siegle-Haus, Leonhardsplatz 28, Stuttgart.

Photograph above: Stein-Zeichnungen (stone-drawings), 29 sheets, 29 x 42 cm each

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