Swinging Moving Singing

Ein-Kanal-Videoinstallation, 4.41 Min. Loop, Stimme: Danielle Zimmermann

Water from the Lauter (river in the Swabian Alb), which is alive, clean and clear, bubbling, meandering, making sounds and noises.
Water is vital for humans and for all plants, is a habitat for fish and other creatures. Plant remains and many other things are transported on water, water cleans.
Many other associations are connected with water. In many countries water has a different meaning than in our country, water is apparently not perceived as a living source of life. Water scarcity is a theme and stagnation, the immobility of water when it stands still and can no longer flow or when people are no longer in touch with it and in harmony with it. In the video film Swinging Moving Singing not only sounds of wind and water can be heard, but also singing and sounds that appear and disappear almost melancholic, longing and sad between the water sequences, captured and swallowed by the sound of water, reminding how important the vitality of water is for us humans.

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The flowers are dead, now spring can come, 2017
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The sound of the sheep, 2017