Landscape II

Opening on Friday, November 15. 2024 on 7 pm.
Welcoming words: Marc Gegenfurtner,
Head of the cultural department of the City of Stuttgart.
Introduction: Vivien Sigmund, Art Historian M.A.

In 2023, I was invited by GEDOK Stuttgart to spend a month in St. Louis (MO, USA) as a fellow within the city partner exchange programme of Stuttgart. In St. Louis, Paul Artspace is the contact partner for the exchange. A studio is kindly provided by the Kranzberg Arts Foundation.
For the residency in the USA, I had planned to follow the traces of my own personal history, the emigration of a relative named Karoline Friedericke Egler, who was born as the eldest of six children 1875 in Stuttgart (she was my grandmother’s aunt) and emigrated to the USA via Baltimore with two relatives in 1893.
Another topic was the research of the indigenous Cahokia settlement founded in the 7th century with its impressive earth mounds (Monks Mound) and its cultural history. In the Forest Park, works in the sense of Land Art were created – interventions with green earth from Kirchberg/Jagst applied to trees and stones, drawings on the themes of water and landscape.

In the town hall, a large-format collage is shown as the central work, into which a selection of the works created, research and archive material are fragmentarily inserted as prints. Photographs of empty houses and a video film complement the collection of images.

Exhibition with the scolatship holders Pia Maria Martin (Straßburg) and Julia Ciolkowska (Lodz-Stuttgart). Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, Rathaus / Town hall Stuttgart, 4.OG, Marktplatz 1, 70173 Stuttgart.

Landscape II, 2023, drawingseries with four sheeds, detail
Networks, meridians, brain, microplastic.
Fineliner on paper, pieces of plastic, 41 x 31,8 inch

Photo Credits: Barbara Karsch-Chaïeb
Image rights VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, Barbara Karsch-Chaïeb

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