Contemporary art, art and nature, sitespecific art, environmental art

Slate stripes, foreign soil, 2014

An installation in space

170 Canvas strips with slate application. Pigments used: Melser slate green, Nero Bernino, Melser slate gray, slate flour light and slate flour gray-green. At first glance, the subtle color differences are hardly noticeable, but a closer look reveals their diversity. Rock as a solid substance is transformed, starting from finely ground powder in a first step via a liquid mass in turn to a hardening layer on strips of canvas. Installed in space, the strips appear like plant-like form-structures, like an impenetrable, mysterious jungle.
Photo Credits: Dr. Raimund Menges, Kontur KV

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Reloaded, 2014 Fortress Ligne Maginot Alsace
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Spaced #2, 2016